[JURIST] Latvia’s [official website] center right coalition on Sunday won majority in the nations general election. The victory for the center right coalition comes as a huge victory over the pro-Russian support group which were considered a major opposition within the election. Many Latvians feared [Reuters report] the pro-Russian concord party would possibly take the majority and provide Russian President Vladimir Putin [BBC Backgrounder] a voice within United Nations (UN) affairs through the voice of the Latvian government. The center right coaltion party will use their authority next year to preside over UN affairs in an effort too propel Latvia from the current financial issues rooted from it’s recent history. Associate Professor Ivars Ijabs form the University of Latvia stated in regards to the influence of the UN on Lativian affairs, “[t]he pro-European, relatively predictable, economically liberal course will continue.”
Russian influence on Latvian’s elections have been prominent it’s recent history but not succesful. In 2012 Latvian voters rejected Russian [JURIST report] as a second official state language in Latvia . In 2008 Latvian voters rejected a referendum [JURIST report] to amend the country’s constitution that would have given voters the power to dissolve the country’s parliament, even though some voters remained discontented with the government and say that the Latvian MPs do not act in accordance with voter’s wishes. Latvia was formally part of the Soviet Union, but joined NATO in April 2004. A month later the country officially entered the EU. The Latvian parliament has since adopted [JURIST report] the new EU reform treaty [JURIST news archive], properly known as the Treaty of Lisbon [text, PDF; official website].