[JURIST] Army Spc. Charles Graner was found guilty late Friday afternoon of conspiracy, assault, maltreating prisoners, dereliction of duty and committing indecent acts, all charges that arose out of the Abu Ghraib abuse scandal. The military jury in Graner's court-martial deliberated less than five hours and Graner now faces up to 17 1/2 years jail time. AP has more. Previously on JURIST's Paper Chase…
- Witness in Abu Ghraib trial said intel officers directed Graner, others
- Defense rests in Abu Ghraib case without Graner testimony
- Graner may testify in second day of defense in Abu Ghraib case
- Graner defense begins at Abu Ghraib abuse trial
- Iraqi ex-prisoners to testify at Graner trial in wake of new video, photo evidence of abuse
- Iraqi detainee abuse trials get under way in US, Europe