[JURIST] Two Iraqis formerly held as detainees at the Abu Ghraib [JURIST Hot Topic] prison in Baghdad are scheduled to testify by videotape today as part of the prosecution of Spc. Charles Graner [Wikipedia profile] on multiple charges [original chargesheet; two charges have since been dropped] of mistreating prisoners at the facility. In opening arguments Monday before a military jury at Fort Hood. Texas, Graner attorney Guy Womack [law firm website] downplayed his client's treatment of prisoners, denying they constituted torture and instead comparing them to milder activities like building a cheerleaders' pyramid or walking a toddler on a leash. Prosecutors, however, countered with previously unreleased video of male prisoners being forced to masturbate as a group and a picture of a female prisoner ordered to expose her breasts. Three other soldiers from Graner's unit who were previously convicted for their roles Abu Ghraib abuses also testified against Graner [AP report] Monday. Reuters has more.