On August 5, 1960, Burkina Faso gained independence from France. Read the constitution of Burkina Faso.
On August 5, 1981, under orders from President Reagan, the federal government began firing air traffic controllers who had gone on strike two days previous for better pay, hours and working conditions. Learn more about the PATCO air traffic control strike. Listen to an excerpt of an August 3, 1981 speech by President Reagan (courtesy [...]
On August 4, 1977, the US Department of Energy was created by President Jimmy Carter. The Department was officially activated on October 1 of that year. Learn more about the history of the US Department of Energy.
On August 4, 1947, the Supreme Court of Japan was established. Learn more about the Justices of the Japanese Supreme Court.
On August 3, 1882, Congress passed the first federal law regulating immigration. Under the statute, state-run boards under contract to the US Secretary of the Treasury were to inspect immigrants according to rules that were uniform in all ports. Boards were prohibited from admitting any immigrant found to be a “convict, lunatic, idiot or any [...]
On August 3, 1934, the German Parliament passed a law that combined the offices of President and Chancellor, making Adolf Hitler the supreme leader (Fuehrer und Reichskanzler) of Germany. Prior to the law’s passage, Hitler had been the German Chancellor with Paul von Hindenberg serving as President. However, Hindenberg died on August 2, and Parliament [...]
On August 2, 1869, the Japanese caste system was abolished after centuries of existence as part of the Meiji Restoration’s modernization of Japan.
On August 2, 1776, the Declaration of Independence, originally approved on July 4, was formally signed in Philadelphia, with John Hancock, the President of the Continental Congress, providing the first signature. Learn more about the Declaration of Independence.
On August 1, 1291, the Federal Charter was signed, creating the Swiss Confederation (Switzerland).
On August 1, 1834, the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 entered into force, formally abolishing slavery in the British Empire. Learn more about the Slavery Abolition Act.