A UN panel released a draft treaty [text, PDF] in Geneva on Monday that would ban the use of all nuclear weapons. States that are party to the treaty are obligated never to develop, produce, manufacture, acquire or use “any nuclear weapon test explosion or any other nuclear explosion.” The draft is supported [Guardian report] by more than 130 non-nuclear states, although none of the countries that are known to posses nuclear arms participated. Nine countries are believed to be in possession of nuclear arms: UK, Russia, China, France, India, Pakistan, Israel, North Korea and the US. Those countries that have nuclear arms would rather refocus efforts into strengthening the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [treaty, text]. Critics of the treaty say the efficacy of the ban is determined by the involvement of those states currently in possession of nuclear arms.
Tensions continue to rise throughout the international community in regards to the North Korean actions seeking to obtain functional nuclear missile [JURIST op-ed]. Early this week North Korea launched [JURIST report] a short range missile, creating strain in the reunification efforts with South Korea. The same day Moon Jae-in was sworn in as the nineteenth president of South Korea he sought international assistance [JURIST report] with North Korean weapons threats. Back in February Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and US President Donald Trump appeared in a joint press conference in Palm Beach, Florida, strongly condemning [JURIST report] a North Korean ballistic missile test. In January North Korea announced [JURIST report] that it would attempt intercontinental ballistic missile test, furthering its effort to show strength to the world. It has been well documented throughout the world that these tests will be denounced by many prominent nations. With some mulling the idea of possible military intervention on the Korean peninsula, the more common rhetoric has been that increased sanctions on the country will force it to comply with the international communities wishes. That is what the US did in January, when it choose to increase sanctions [JURIST report] on North Korea in regards to the countries violations of human rights.