[JURIST] The US Supreme Court [official website] on Monday declined to hear an appeal [order list, PDF] from record companies that want to pursue a copyright infringement case against music site Vimeo [corporate website] for hosting music by classic artists. Capitol Records and other record companies had sued Vimeo for hosting 199 unauthorized video recordings from artists such as The Beatles and Elvis Presley. The Supreme court decision lets stand the federal appeals court ruling [text, PDF] that websites are protected from liability for music recorded before 1972. According to the federal judge, a federal safe harbor law, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, did not create liability for video-sharing websites as long as they remove the infringing material once they receive notice of it.
File-sharing sites and the sharing of copyrighted materials continues to be a global issue. In February the Swedish Court of Patent Appeals and the Market Court [official website, in Swedish], an appellate court with exclusive jurisdiction over intellectual property cases, ordered [judgment, PDF, in Swedish] an Internet service provider (ISP) to block access to the file-sharing site The Pirate Bay and the streaming site Swefilmer. In December the Federal Court of Australia ordered [JURIST report] an ISP to block five named companies and all their related websites. The same issue was decided by Irish and Dutch courts in 2013 and 2014, where the courts came to different results.