[JURIST] Former Serbian paramilitary commander Dragan Vasiljkovic was indicted Friday for war crimes committed during Croatia’s war of independence. Vasilikovic was indicted in Croatia six months after being extradited from Australia. The 61-year-old holds [ABC report] dual Serbian-Australian citizenship. Vasiljkovic is accused of torturing and killing captured members of the Croatian army and police during the 1991-1995 Croatian War for Independence [GlobalSecurity backgrounder]. Additionally, it is alleged that Vasiljkovic ordered the killing of prisoners of war [Guardian report] and led an assault on a village where civilians were killed.
Vasiljkovic was first arrested in Australia in 2006, following an extradition request from the Croatian government. He has fought his extradition in the Australian courts ever since, claiming that he would not be able to receive a fair trial in Croatia. Vasiljkovic has challenged extradition at least 13 times. In 2012 the Australian Minister for Justice formally approved Vasiljkovic’s extradition to Croatia [JURIST report].