[JURIST] Venezuelan Information Minister William Lara has filed lawsuits against media giant CNN and Venezuelan broadcast network Globovision [media websites], alleging that the two stations presented false information concerning Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez [BBC profile] and that Globovision issued a call for Chavez's assassination. The government is seeking an order to revoke Globovision's broadcast license. The lawsuits came as police used tear gas, water hoses, and rubber bullets against thousands of protesters demonstrating against Chavez's earlier order to close down the oldest independent television station in the country, Radio Caracas Television (RCTV) [media website]. RCTV was denied a renewal for its state broadcast license and ceased operations [El Universal report] Sunday. Its building and equipment have been seized by the Venezuelan government, which has announced that a new, state-run station will take the place of the popular private broadcast company.
The International Press Institute [advocacy website] has condemned [press release] the RCTV shutdown. BBC News has more.