[JURIST] A panel of three judges on the London Court of Appeal Criminal Division reduced the sentence of convicted bomb plotter Dhiren Barot [BBC profile] from a minimum of 40 years to life to 30 years to life Wednesday because Barot's conspiracy did not amount to an actual attempt and it was unclear whether the plot was viable. Barot pleaded guilty [JURIST report] to conspiracy to murder for his role in the "Gas Limo Project" [Times report] bombing scheme to blow up three limousines filled with explosives in underground parking garages in Britain, as well as a separate plot to detonate radioactive "dirty bombs." The court agreed with lawyers for Barot, who appealed his sentence [JURIST report] in April, saying that the 40-year term was for "the terrorist who has been convicted, after trial, of a serious attempt to commit mass murder by a viable method."
Last November, Barot was sentenced to life in prison [JURIST report] with a minimum term of 40 years. In April 2005, Barot and two other men were indicted [text; JURIST report in New York for US-related bomb plans. Prosecutors allege that Barot planned to attack the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Work Bank [official websites] buildings in Washington DC, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), and Citigroup buildings in New York City, as well as the Prudential [corporate websites] building in Newark, New Jersey. BBC News has more.