Lawyers threaten suit if Bali bombers executed prematurely News
Lawyers threaten suit if Bali bombers executed prematurely

[JURIST] Lawyers for the three men sentenced to death for the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings [BBC report] Friday threatened to sue the Indonesia attorney general's office if their clients' executions, currently scheduled for mid-August [JURIST report], are carried out before they file for judicial review. A lawyer for the men speaking at a news conference moreover said the appeal will not be filed until the government promises to hold the trial somewhere other than Bali, the site of the 2002 bombing. The lawyer did not say what new evidence would be presented for judicial review.

On Tuesday, the attorney general's office announced that the Justice and Human Rights Ministry [ministry website] has signed off on a plan to move the execution from Bali to Nusakambangan, the jurisdiction where the three men have been detained since their conviction two years ago. Indonesia usually executes inmates in the jurisdiction where they committed the criminal act, but safety precautions have prompted the district attorney's office to seek an alternate location. The family of one of the three men, Imam Samudra [BBC profile], announced in April that they would not pursue clemency on his behalf [JURIST report]. Last October, all three declined to seek presidential pardons [JURIST report], saying they are prepared to be executed as martyrs. Reuters has more.

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