[JURIST] The US State Department [official website] has said the US intends to release 100 prisoners from Guantanamo Bay [JURIST news archive] as soon as it identifies countries that will accept them. Speaking at the US embassy in Paris on Thursday, State Department official Sandra Hodgkinson said that the prisoners will be sent to their countries of origin provided that the US receives assurances that they will be monitored and will not suffer torture. According to Hodgkinson, 15 of the 250 prisoners already released have already returned to combat. Earlier this week, the Pentagon released a list of Guantanamo detainees [JURIST document] who had completed the Combatant Status Review Tribunal process.
The US government has refused to release 16 Uighur Muslims to China [JURIST report] for fear that they will be tortured because of their faith. Last week, the US asked Germany to accept the Uighurs [JURIST report], but Chancellor Angela Merkel [BBC profile] is wary that the move would alienate China. IOL has more.