[JURIST] Abdurahman Jafar, vice chairman of the legal affairs committee [website] of the of the Muslim Council of Britain [advocacy website], warned the UK Parliament's Joint Committee on Human Rights [official website] Monday that the country's anti-terror proposals [JURIST report] may undermine the Muslim community's commitment to combating terrorism. Jafar expressed concern that the toughened laws would have a "really horrific counter-productive effect," and that the bill fails to distinguish between "the issue of illegitimate attacks against peaceful democracies, with legitimate acts of resistance against illegitimate regimes around the world." Last week, the Terrorism Bill 2005-2006 [PDF text] passed its first vote in the House of Commons [JURIST report]. Now it must be considered by a committee of lawmakers, before a final vote in the House of Commons, and votes in the House of Lords. AP has more.