[JURIST] The Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs [official website] revealed Monday that it is investigating reports that a plane allegedly used by the CIA to transport terror detainees landed at a Canadian airport last week. Montreal newspaper La Presse [media website; in French] said the plane departed from Iceland heading towards Canada, landed in St. John's in Newfoundland on Friday, then returned to a military base in North Carolina. The US embassy in Ottawa would not comment. Speaking in the Canadian House of Commons Monday, Canadian Public Security Minister Anne McClellan nonetheless told MPs that "We have no absolutely no information nor any reason to believe that such an aircraft was involved in such a matter." In recent weeks Sweden [JURIST report], Spain [JURIST report] and Romania and the UK [JURIST report] have begun their own investigated incidents of alleged CIA plane landings that involved detainee transfers to alleged secret US prisons [JURIST report] in Europe or other facilities. Reuters has more.