[JURIST] A spokesman for the Independent Egyptian Committee for Monitoring Elections (IECME) alleged Monday that Egypt's ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) [official website, English version] committed more rule violations in campaigning for the upcoming presidential election than any of the other nine parties. According to a preliminary IECME report, NDP, the party of current Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak [official profile], received unfair access to the Egyptian people during the campaign period. The report alleges that the Interior Ministry did not timely approve other parties' requests to print and post campaign posters and that NDP supporters removed posters of opposing candidates. The IECME report also claims that the NDP violated a law prohibiting the use of government buildings to promote their campaign. Campaign efforts ended Sunday and the country's first multiple candidate presidential election [JURIST report] is scheduled for Wednesday, and will be observed by private monitoring groups [JURIST report]. Aljazeera has more.