[JURIST] A US music industry trade group has filed another 750 lawsuits [RIAA press release] against individuals who allegedly used on-line file sharing networks to trade copyrighted songs illegally. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) [official website], representing labels such as Vivendi Universal [corporate website] and Sony/BMG [corporate website], is suing 64 individuals at universities who allegedly swapped music using the high speed Internet2 [consortium website] network which connects schools nationwide, including Columbia University, Boston University, and the University of California, Berkeley. RIAA claims the remaining defendants used internet networks, including eDonkey and LimeWire, to download and share copyrighted music files. The recording industry has sued approximately 14,800 computer users to date [JURIST news archive], resulting in 3,400 settled cases which have averaged between $4,000 and $5,000. AP has more.
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