[JURIST] A Canadian Federal Court judge has ruled that intelligence authorities must stop interrogating Guantanamo Bay [JURIST news archive] detainee Omar Khadr [CBC Khadr family profile]. Justice Konrad von Finckenstein's decision also slammed Canadian counterterrorism agents for gathering information at a place where he claims Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms [text] has been violated. Khadr has admitted killing a US medic [JURIST report] while fighting with the Taliban. He was captured when he was 15 years old and transferred to Guantanamo Bay after turning 16. The US never clarified Khadr's legal status or charged him but agents from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service [official website] and the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade [official website] have interviewed him at Guantanamo at least three times. Von Finckenstein's ruling prevents further interviews from occurring. The Globe and Mail has more.