[JURIST] Representative Henry Hyde, GOP chairman of the US House International Relations Committee now undertaking a Congressional review of the UN Oil-for-Food scandal, refused late Friday to hand back to the UN-appointed Independent Inquiry Committee (IIC) [official website] probing the UN program sensitive IIC documents subpoenaed by Congress and handed over to US lawmakers [JURIST report] by former IIC senior investigative counsel Robert Parton, who resigned last month [JURIST report] in protest against alleged IIC leniency. IIC chair and former US Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker had publicly appealed for return of the documents earlier Friday, telling a press conference "We're not playing games here, we are dealing – and let me just emphasize this – in some cases with lives." The IIC issued a statement along the same lines. AP has more. The IIC has posted additional information and correspondence concerning the disputed handover of the subpoenaed materials, the confidentiality which the IIC insists is essential to the success of its investigation.