[JURIST] The State Council of China [government website] released a 41-page report Wednesday claiming significant progress in the promotion and protection of human rights. The document reported over 1,500 investigations and prosecutions of government officials alleged to have violated human rights in the country in 2004. Read the ful text of the 2004 Human Rights Report [China Daily text]. The Chinese government report comes a day after international NGOs Human Rights Watch [advocacy website] and Human Rights in China [advocacy website] issued a joint report of their own alleging massive Chinese persecution of the predominantly Muslim Uighurs ethnic group under the cloak of state response to terrorism. The Uighurs are the largest ethnic minority in the Xinjiang region and have been advocating for autonomy and the right to create an independent state of East Turkestan. Read the HRW/HRIC joint report [official text]. Reuters has more. China Daily has local coverage.