[JURIST] New UK anti-terrorism legislation that passed the House of Commons [JURIST report] on Monday may face a tougher challenge in the House of Lords [official website] as debate began Tuesday. The bill's momentum was somewhat weakened after numerous members of the Labour Party rebelled on several votes on the Prevention of Terrorism Bill [text]. The Blair government is hoping to push the legislation through before the current anti-terrorism laws expire on March 14. However, members of the Lords said the rebellion in the Commons allows them to seek further changes to the contentious legislation. The government already agreed to leave authority to order house arrests with judges rather than the Home Office [official website], but opponents are seeking to have all "control orders" in the legislation, such as curfews and electronic tagging, subject to court authority. The government has argued the powers in the bill are needed to protect the country against terrorists plotting attacks in the UK. Reuters has more.