Senate Armed Services Committee, September 9, 2004; Generals Kern, Jones, Whitcomb, Fay and Taguba. Read the full text of their prepared testimony . Excerpt from General Kern's's testimony: My investigation resulted in specific findings regarding the issue of 'ghost detainees' within Abu Ghraib. It is clear that the interrogation practices of other government agencies led [...]
Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, Marion County; Judge Paul Lipscomb, September 9, 2004 . Read the opinion . Excerpt:
United States Northern District of California, United State District Chief Judge Vaughn Walker, September 9, 2004. Review the opinion . Excerpt: Plaintiffs have failed to prove the likelihood that a post-merger Oracle and SAP would tacitly coordinate by allocating customers or markets. Accordingly, the plaintiffs have not met their burden of establishing anticompetitive coordinated effects. [...]
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, September 9, 2004. Read Secretary Powell's prepared testimony here. Excerpt: Since the US became aware of atrocities occurring in Sudan, we have been reviewing the Genocide Convention and the obligations it places on the Government of Sudan. In July, we launched a limited investigation by sending a team to refugee camps [...]
United States District Court – Nebraska; US District Judge Richard Kopf, September 8, 2004. Review the opinion and read the judgment. Excerpt from the judgment: 1. The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, 18 U.S.C. § 1531, is declared to be unconstitutional in all of its applications when the fetus is not viable or when [...]
Superior Court of Washington, Thurston County; Judge Richard D. Hicks, September 7, 2004. Review the opinion . Excerpt: The clear intent of the Legislature to limit government approved contracts of marriage to opposite sex couples is in direct conflict with the constitutional intent to not allow a privilege to one class of the community that [...]
JURIST Guest Columnist Mark Brown, holder of the Newton D. Baker/Baker and Hostetler Chair at Capital University School of Law, says today's Democrats should take note of the fact that in electoral contests as elsewhere, two wrongs don't make a right. Dirty tricks. That's what Democrats called Nixon's campaign tactics in 1972, when he unleashed [...]
England and Wales Court of Appeal, September 3 2004. Read the full document . Excerpt: In my judgment, the employment tribunal erred in law, as it failed to adopt the approach to disparate adverse impact laid down in Seymour-Smith. It should have taken the statistics for the entire workforce, to which the unfair dismissal and [...]
Utah Supreme Court, issued September 3, 2004. Read the opinion. Excerpt: …Utah's bigamy statute does not attempt to target only religiously motivated bigamy. Any individual who violates the statute, whether for religious or secular reasons, is subject to prosecution. See, e.g., Geer, 765 P.2d at 3. Thus, Utah's prohibition on bigamy is not a prohibition [...]
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, issued September 2, 2004. Read the full decision by the Deputy Registrar. Excerpt: CONSIDERING the Trial Chamber's oral Order of 2 September 2004, by which "ursuant to the Chamber's decision to assign counsel, the Registrar is instructed to appoint counsel for the accused" and "should endeavour in the [...]