JURIST Guest Columnist and international law scholar Jordan Paust of the University of Houston Law Center says that legal responsibility for the Abu Ghraib prison abuses extends beyond the few soldiers currently subject to investigation and prosecution… There has been a great deal of attention paid in recent days to the investigation and prosecution of [...]


Doe v. Bush, United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, US Department of Justice, motion to dismiss a lawsuit against President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld challenging the authority of the Bush and Rumsfeld to wage war against Iraq absent a clear declaration of war by the US Congress, February 20, 2003. [...]


Grutter v. Bollinger, brief defending affirmative action admissions policies for the University of Michigan School of Law, Board of Regents of the University of Michigan, filed February 18, 2003. Read the brief here . Gratz v. Bollinger, brief defending affirmative action admissions at Michigan's undergraduate College for Literature, Science and the Arts, Board of Regents [...]


Doe v. Bush, United States District Court District of Massachusetts, February 13, 2003 . Read the full text of the complaint and the plaintiffs' memorandum in support of a motion for preliminary injunction . Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.