Erwin Chemerinsky, Duke Law School: "It is hard to imagine a more conservative or more repressive attorney general than John Ashcroft. The Ashcroft Justice Department took the unprecedented position that the government could hold human beings, including American citizens, forever as enemy combatants without judicial review. Ashcroft rescinded regulations limiting surveillance of peaceful religious and [...]
Stephen Bainbridge, UCLA School of Law: "Cruising around the blogosphere, one notes proposals that John Ashcroft be replaced by as Attorney General such legitimate luminaries as Randy Barnett or Fred Thompson. Sorry, guys. Blogospheric prognostication has proved fallible. Bush just went with the conventional wisdom pick: White House counsel Alberto Gonzales. No real surprise there. [...]
Michael Froomkin, University of Miami School of Law: "he White House may be thinking of White House counsel Alberto R. Gonzales as the next Attorney General. That would be the same Gonzales who is up to his eye teeth in not just the torture memos, but also the idea that the US can unilaterally decide [...]
In an announcement in the Roosevelt Room of the White House Wednesday afternoon President Bush confirmed that he has nominated White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales to succeed John Ashcroft as US Attorney General. Initial word of the nomination came from White House sources talking to Associated Press this morning (see this previous report in JURIST's [...]
Peter Henning, Wayne State University Law School: "On Tuesday, November 9, the jury in the Enron/Merrill Lynch trial concluded that the loss caused by the defendants' fraudulent misconduct was $13.7 million. A story in the Houston Chronicle (Nov. 10, 2004) reviews the jury's verdict. The government argued for a loss calculation of $43 million, and [...]
Larry Ribstein, University of Illinois College of Law: "The SEC announced yesterday rulemaking initiatives aimed at so-called "self-regulatory organizations" such as stock exchanges. These include specific proposals to change the rules on ownership, governance, reporting and transparency by these organizations. The governance proposal would, consistent with many other SEC moves, require more independent directors. The [...]
Magistrate Judge Arlander Keys of the Northern District of Illinois found two US-based Islamic charities liable for damages Wednesday in the 1996 shooting death in Israel of an American teenager, David Boim. Keys held Texas-based Holy Land Foundation and the Islamic Association for Palestine liable for knowingly aiding Hamas, not requiring a showing that money [...]
The US Department of Justice Wednesday posted on its website a public letter from outgoing Attorney General John Ashcroft entitled "Farewell to the American People". In the letter, Ashcroft says he accomplished what he set out to accomplish during his tenure, leaving what he described as a "safer and stronger America than the one I [...]
Juror No.5, the foreman, has been dismissed from the jury in the Scott Peterson case. This is the second juror to be dismissed in the past two days. The Modesto Bee recently reported that the foreman, who is both a doctor and an attorney, looked "distraught, his face flushed and hair disheveled" in the courtroom [...]
Jeff Cooper, Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis: "According to John Ashcroft, "he objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved,". Well, I feel better. Actually, I do feel better knowing that Ashcroft will shortly be leaving DOJ. There may not have been a terrorist attack in the US [...]