The trial of three former Kosovo Albanian rebels began Monday at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia at The Hague. The three former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, Fatmir Limaj, Haradin Bala and Isak Musliu, are accused of participating in a joint criminal enterprise to target Serb civilians, and perceived Albanian collaborators, [...]


Britain's Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA) opened a public consultation Monday on whether court proceedings in England and Wales should be broadcast. Additionally, a five-week trial installation of cameras will begin Tuesday in the Court of Appeal in the Royal Courts of Justice in London, where criminal appeals and civil cases will be filmed, but [...]


Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Monday, November 15. The US Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations will hold a 12 PM ET hearing on Saddam Hussein's abuse of the UN Oil-for-Food program. Charles Duelfer, chief weapons inspector in Iraq, is scheduled to testify. [...]


Iran announced Sunday that it has submitted a letter to the UN stating that it would suspend uranium enrichment activities as part of a deal with the European Union to avoid UN Security Council sanctions. Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Hassan Rohani, said the suspension will remain as long as talks with the EU over Iran's [...]


The White House has ordered new CIA director Porter Goss to eliminate officers from the CIA who are believed to have been disloyal to President Bush or to have leaked to the media damaging information about the conduct of operations in the Middle East, according to former CIA officials quoted in press reports Sunday. One [...]


Palestinians will vote on January 9, 2005, to elect a successor to Palestinian Authority president Yasser Arafat, who died Thursday. Under the Palestinan Basic Law, elections must be held within 60 days of Arafat's death. Several candidates have announced their intention to run, including PLO leader and former Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, current Palestinian Prime [...]


Sunday's New York Times highlights the effect President Bush may have on the US Supreme Court and a trade dispute between the US and Canada over beef exports. Today's Washington Post covers the scandal surrounding the UN's oil-for-food program and the role the program's head may have played in the controversy. The Post also reports [...]