In televised remarks, outgoing Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma Sunday condemned the continuing blockade of government buildings by supporters of opposition presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko as a "gross violation of law" and urged that compromise in the dispute over last week's presidential election was "the only way to avoid unpredictable consequences." Meanwhile the head of the [...]


Former US Army sergeant Charles Robert Jenkins was released from 30 days military confinement at Camp Zama, Japan, Saturday so that he may begin a new life with his family and Japanese wife. In 1965, Jenkins, stationed near the Korean DMZ, told others that he was going to investigate a noise and then disappeared, allegedly [...]


Federal bankruptcy court judge Eugene Wedoff issued a temporary restraining order Friday blocking creditors from repossessing 14 jets owned by financially troubled United Airlines, who filed for bankruptcy in December 2002. The protection of the eight Boeing 767s and six 737s will save the airline tens of millions of dollars. The creditors, represented by Chicago-based [...]


Following up on earlier reports today in JURIST's Paper Chase, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma's office announced late Friday that a multiparty, multilateral working group has been established to reach what Kuchma previously described as a "political and legal compromise" in the Ukrainian election crisis. The group's establishment was announced after a meeting between Kuchma, Prime [...]


The UN Committee Against Torture called Friday for a definitive statement by the United Kingdom that "evidence" procured through torture is unadmissible at trial. The Committee, which monitors adherence to the UN Convention Against Torture, is acting in response to an August ruling by the Court of Appeals for England and Wales that stated evidence [...]


The Ontario Court of Appeal ruled Friday that same-sex partners are entitled to survivor benefits under the government-run Canada Pension Plan. The court held that benefits should be paid dating back to 1985, but there will be no payments of back-benefits to partner's estates. Justice Minister Irwin Cotler stated that he would review the opinion [...]