Anthony D'Amato, Northwestern University Law School: "Although the N.Y. Times and Washington Post have been admirably accurate in reporting the standard legal issues, they have overlooked the single most telling point in the debate about Gonzales, perhaps because of its subtlety. We start by observing that whenever the Department of Justice gives any legal advice [...]


Continuing his campaign for tort reform, President Bush meets with lawmakers Thursday to discuss shifting many class-action suits from state to federal courts a day after delivering a speech in Illinois on capping damage awards for medical malpractice. The administration and its Congressional supporters emphasize the costs of so called "junk lawsuits" to business and [...]


AP is reporting that a federal bankruptcy judge in Alexandria, Virginia, has canceled a collective bargaining agreement between US Airways and its machinists union (part of the International Association of Machinists), providing hundreds of millions of dollars in annual savings to the struggling air carrier, but forcing pay cuts for union workers ranging from 6 [...]


Israel's Supreme Court ruled Thursday that thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli custody would not be eligible to vote in Paletinian elections scheduled for January 9. Chief Justice Aharon Barak said that Israel would not have time at this stage to prepare for including the prisoners in existing voting procedures. The ruling is not yet [...]


White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales, President Bush's nominee for Attorney General, explicitly told the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning that "torture and abuse would not be tolerated" under his leadership of the Justice Department, that the Geneva Conventions would be honored "wherever they apply", and that the US generally would abide by all (orally emphasizing [...]


AP is reporting that Democrats will force debate in both the House and Senate on the Ohio election returns before formally certifying President Bush's re-election today. This is only the second time since 1877 that pre-certification debates have been forced. The debates, which will disrupt what would have been a routine joint session of Congress [...]