A high level UN panel set up to monitor the administration of the Iraqi oil industry and revenues under Security Council Resolution 1483 , granting the Coalition Provisional Authority the right to spend from Iraq oil money "in the interests of the Iraqi people", reported Tuesday that it had found "important weaknesses" in program management, [...]


Log of (and links to) new records obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union from the US Defense Department and other government agencies pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request for documents concerning the treatment and interrogation of detainees in United States custody, released December 14, 2004. Review the log of the latest documents [...]


David Wagner, Regent University School of Law: "ACLU Files Suit in Pa. Over Evolution… The state American Civil Liberties Union plans to file a federal lawsuit Tuesday against a Pennsylvania school district that is requiring students to learn about alternatives to the theory of evolution. The ACLU said its lawsuit will be the first to [...]


Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir (official profile on the Sudan's government website) asked the Sudanese National Assembly Tuesday to extend for a year the state of emergency currently in effect in Sudan. The present emergency declaration is set to terminate December 31. A state of emergency limits the democratic rights of the general population and increases [...]