The plaintiffs in a major lawsuit against former directors of WorldCom announced Wednesday that a proposed settlement under which the directors would have personally repaid company investors $18 million of a $54 million total has broken down. The collapse resulted from US District Judge Denise Cote's ruling earlier in the day that conflicted with a [...]


The US House of Representatives passed a resolution Wednesday urging the federal government to appeal a recent 3rd Circuit opinion that struck down a law that prohibited colleges and universities to limit on-campus military recruiting because of its discrimination against homosexuals. The law, commonly known as the Solomon Act , permits the government to deny [...]


Senator John McCain announced Wednesday that he was launching a new initiative to tighten campaign finance laws to curb big interest-group donations to congressional and presidential campaigns. McCain appears to have gained an ally in Senator Trent Lott , chairman of the Senate Rules Committee. Lott voted against campaign finance reform in 2002, but changed [...]


Malaysian officials extended Malaysia's amnesty for illegal immigrants indefinitely Wednesday based on a request from Indonesia, according to Home Minister Azmi Khalid. Indonesia, whose citizens make up a majority of illegal immigrants in Malaysia, asked that the amnesty be extended in light of the recent tsunami disaster . AFP has more However, Deputy Prime Minister [...]


Members of the Idaho Senate voted against a proposal to ban same-sex marriages Wednesday for the second consecutive year. The defeated measure would have amended the Idaho Constitution to read: SECTION 28. MARRIAGE. Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state. This state [...]


A bill seeking to impose stricter standards on federal courts before they can issue subpoenas to reporters was introduced in the US House Wednesday. According to Congressman Mike Pence , the Free Flow of Information Act seeks to make mandatory Justice Department guidelines for issuing subpoenas to members of the media and provides protection against [...]


The New York Stock Exchange released a previously confidential report Wednesday that provides details of former Chairman Richard Grasso's compensation package. New York Supreme Court Justice Charles Ramos ruled last week that the so-called Webb report was not subject to attorney-client privilege, and the NYSE released the report to avoid "almost endless litigation with regard [...]