The Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled that a state law requiring candidates to reach a vote threshold in a primary election before appearing on the general election ballot violated "important constitutional rights that are central to the preservation of our democracy." Saying that the law served "no rational state purpose," the court concluded "that by [...]


Reaction to President Bush's nomination of White House Counsel, and former Texas Supreme Court Judge, Alberto Gonzales to succeed John Ashcroft as US Attorney General has been mixed, with most of the criticism citing Gonzales' role in setting administration policy on detaining and questioning people captured in the fight against terrorism. Gonzales was the author [...]


Lithuania became the first EU state to ratify the European Constitution on Thursday, when the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, voted 84-4 (with 3 abstentions) to approve the international treaty. According to the process spelled out for ratification, all EU members must ratify the new constitution in 2005 and 2006. The process is fragile, as several [...]


Israeli police arrested nuclear whistle blower Mordechai Vanunu Thursday for allegedly revealing classified information. In April, Vanunu completed an 18-year prison sentence for leaking Israel's atomic weapons secrets. As part of the terms of his release, Vanunu was barred from meeting with foreigners and journalists and from discussing nuclear secrets. Vanunu has acknowledged violating the [...]


The US military announced Thursday that the courts-martial of Sgt. Javal Davis, Spc. Sabrina Harman and Spc. Charles Graner, who all face charges in connection with the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal, will be transferred from Baghdad to Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas. Read the official US Central Command news release here. Charges brought against [...]


Rauhi Fattouh, speaker of the Palestinian parliament, was sworn in Thursday to succeed Yasser Arafat as temporary president of the Palestinian Authority (website content has been replaced by a notice of Arafat's death). Under Article 54(2) of the Palestinian Basic Law, Fattouh will serve as caretaker president until elections are held to determine Arafat's permanent [...]


Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Thursday, November 11. Today is Veteran's Day, a US federal holiday. Federal courts and most state courts are closed. The US House and Senate are in recess until Tuesday, Nov. 16. The UN General Assembly's 51st plenary meeting today will [...]


Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat died early Thursday in a Paris hospital according to an official announcement. He was 75. Admired deeply by supporters but reviled by opponents, Arafat's passing ends a week of speculation over the leader's failing health after premature reports of his death circulated on Nov. 4. The Palestinian Authority leader spent his [...]