Joost Pauwelyn, Duke Law School : "This is a true David against Goliath story. This dispute illustrates once more how deep WTO commitments penetrate the regulatory powers of its member countries. Under WTO rules, the U.S. agreed not to restrict the importation of certain 'recreational services,' which Antigua argued includes the free flow of cross-border [...]


The Dutch parliament (official site in Dutch) Friday asked the government to draft laws restricting the employment of imams at Dutch mosques only to those who have studied Islam in the country. A vote on the new law was delayed after Justice Minister Piet Hein Donner said it may be considered discriminatory unless applied to [...]


The International Atomic Energy Agency has reported that South Korea conducted illegal nuclear tests in the 1980s and 2000, in which it secretly extracted or enriched small amounts of plutonium and uranium. Although the tests did not produce enough uranium for a weapon and South Korea has repeatedly stressed it does not intend to build [...]


Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Friday, November 12. New Mexico is expected to complete its count of provisional ballots today, as required by NM Stat. Ann. s. 1-13-13. The NM Secretary of State has more. The US House and Senate are in recess until Tuesday, [...]


In re: Candidacy of Independance Party Candidates, James Moore et al. v. Mary Kiffmeyer, Secretary of State for Minnesota, Supreme Court of Minnesota, Chief Justice Kathleen Blatz, November 10, 2004 . Excerpt: In the absence of any suggested rational purpose for the law, we have no difficulty concluding that by denying Independence Party candidates access [...]


Former Bush administration solicitor general Theodore Olson told the conservative Federalist Society's National Convention in Washington Thursday that Bush nominees to the Supreme Court would likely face a "political firestorm" in the Senate. Olson predicted that the President could make as many as three appointments in his second term, all of which could prove extremely [...]


The Supreme Court of Zimbabwe, which four years ago rejected government plans to seize thousands of white-owned farms and turn them over to black Zimbabweans, has upheld a controversial law passed in 2002 to enable the government to expand farm seizures. The Independent Online has more. Human Rights Watch has details on the human rights [...]