AP is reporting that Ukraine's Supreme Court has said that the country's presidential election results can be published Wednesday, which will allow challenger Viktor Yushchencko to take office. 8:35 AM ET – The Ukrainian Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that election results can be published Wednesday, despite the fact that the court is still hearing an [...]
Adolfo Scilingo , the former Argentine naval officer on trial in Spain for committing genocide and crimes against humanity during Argentina's "Dirty War" , took the stand for the first time Monday and told the Spanish court that he had made up a previous confession concerning "death flights." In 1995, Scilingo told a journalist that [...]
Iraqi officials said Tuesday that beginning January 29, all land borders will be closed for three days in an effort to increase security before the January 30 elections . The Iraqi Interim Government has also declared January 29-31 public holidays, closing shops and offices, and has said that only vehicles with official permits will be [...]
Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Tuesday, Jan. 18. The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in two cases today beginning at 10 AM ET. In the first case, Rompilla v. Beard , the Court will consider whether a jury must be instructed that a life [...]
In an effort to deter would-be criminals, the Thailand Department of Corrections will soon be webcasting the lives of inmates via the internet, according to department officials speaking Monday. Webcasts will cover the daily life of inmates, up to but not including executions (under Thai law, currently by firing squad) for those on death row. [...]
A Spanish court Monday indicted eight people suspected of providing material aid and logistical assistance to the September 11th hijackers. The indictment alleges that the suspects provided counterfeit documents and logistical support to terrorist cells in Spain and Germany that were instrumental in the September 11th attacks. Crusading Spanish terrorism investigator Judge Baltasar Garzon released [...]
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia found two former Bosnian Serb army officers guilty Monday of playing prominent roles in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre . Vidoje Blagojevic, former commander of the Bratunac brigade, and Dragan Jokic, the former chief of engineers in the Zvornik brigade, were sentenced to 18 and 9 years of [...]
Voter registration began Monday for expatriate Iraqis wishing to cast ballots in the upcoming January 30 elections for a new Iraqi national assembly. The expatriate registration drive, part of the Iraq Out-of-Country Voting Program co-ordinated by the International Organization for Migration , is part of an initiative covering 14 countries around the world. Some 2 [...]
Speaking to congregants at a church near civil rights leader Martin Luther King Junior's hometown of Atlanta on the eve of the national holiday celebrating his birth, the Reverend Jesse Jackson said Sunday that war, poverty, violence and social injustice are diminishing King's legacy. Jackson, who was with King on the balcony of his Memphis [...]
Three British soldiers, Corporal Daniel Kenyon and Lieutenant Corporals Darren Larkin and Martin Cooley, of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, are expected to plead not guilty Tuesday at a court martial on charges of assault and indecent assault on Iraqi civilian prisoners. The claims, arising from a May 2003 incident in Basra, will be heard [...]