The US House of Representatives has approved the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 , a bill intended to curb class action lawsuits by transfering most large, multi-state class actions to federal courts. The bill now goes to President Bush for expected signature. AP has more. 2:20 PM ET – House Judiciary Committee chairman James [...]


Six Rwandan citizens have filed a lawsuit in France against French soldiers for their role in the Rwanda genocide . The Paris army tribunal, the only court which can try French troops for conduct committed abroad, will decide whether to take the case. According to the plaintiffs, French troops allowed Rwandan troops and Hutu extremists [...]


In Thursday's international law brief, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour presented the findings of the International Commission of Inquiry on the Conflict in Darfur to the UN Security Council on Wednesday, stating that the only 'credible way' to address the atrocities was to try those accused of serious human rights abuses before [...]


Israeli Attorney General Menachem Mazuz said Thursday that he had decided to close a three-year investigation into a campaign funding scandal involving Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon , citing insufficient evidence. Sharon's son and close advisor Omri Sharon has, however, will be indicted on criminal charges including fraud, breach of trust, and perjury. Omri Sharon's [...]