The EU ended consideration Thursday of proposals that would have banned Nazi symbols in the 25-country bloc after it became apparent that member states could not agree on which symbols should be included in the ban. Luxembourg, which currently holds the rotating EU presidency, withdrew the proposal from consideration. Many voiced concerns that any ban [...]


The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda has turned over 15 war crimes cases under its authority to Rwandan officials for the first time in the tribunal's 10 year existence. The ICTR made the transfer Wednesday as part of its strategy to complete prosecutions by the time its mandate ends in 2008. ICTR Hassan Jallow said [...]


Parliamentary elections in Afghanistan will likely be delayed until this summer or fall, a UN spokesman said Thursday. The elections were originally slated to be held before the end of the Aghan month Saur on May 21, but a deadline to declare the elections at least 90 days ahead of time has already lapsed, as [...]


The Sindh provincial High Court in Pakistan has started formal hearings for an appeal by four Islamic militants convicted of kidnapping and murdering Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl . British-born Islamic militant Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh was sentenced to death by an anti-terrorism court in July 2002. Three co-conspirators were sentenced to life in [...]


The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts will hear a challenge to a 1913 state law that Massachusetts has used to block out-of-state gay couples from being married there. The 1913 law prohibits the commonwealth from granting marriage licenses to couples whose marriage would not be legal in their home states. Following the landmark ruling in [...]


Pakistan's Supreme Court announced it will allow six constitutional petitions to challenge President Pervez Musharraf's decision to remain the country's president and army chief of staff. The petitions, filed by Pakistan Lawyers Forum, the Communist Party and the Watan Party, challenge Musharraf's decision to retain the two offices in violation of both the Pakistani constitution [...]


The United Nations has started "a very urgent inquiry" into allegations that three Pakistani policemen raped a woman in Haiti while deployed on the UN mission to stabilize the nation. The probe follows reports of widespread abuse by UN peacekeeping soldiers in Congo. That probe led to the UN's decision to ban peacekeepers from having [...]