United Nations Security Council, September 18, 2004. Read the Resolution here . Excerpt: The Security Coucil… Calls upon the Government of Sudan and the rebel groups, particularly the Justice and Equality Movement and the Sudanese Liberation Army/Movement, to work together under the auspices of the African Union to reach a political solution in the negotiations [...]


Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran, International Atomic Eneregy Association, September 18, 2004. Read the Resolution here . Excerpt: The [IAEA} Board of Governors… Strongly urges that Iran respond positively to the Director General's findings on the provision of access and information by taking such steps as are required [...]


US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, September 13, 2004. Read the opinion here . Excerpt: We are presented with questions of grave significance, questions that test the commitment of this nation to an independent judiciary, to the constitutional guarantees of a fair trial even to one accused of the most heinous of crimes, [...]