Stephen Bainbridge : "I'm increasingly opposed to the death penalty on both pragmatic and moral grounds, but I nevertheless found much to agree with in Justice Antonin Scalia's scathing dissent from the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision striking down the death penalty for offenses committed by juveniles (text of opinion): In Lawrence v. Texas, Justice Kennedy [...]


Iran has refused to cooperate with UN nuclear inspection teams in the country, including blocking them from revisiting a site the US alleged was used for weapons development, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Tuesday. The IAEA Board of Directors, which is meeting this week, heard from IAEA Deputy Director Pierre Goldschmidt that Iran had [...]


The US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals has overturned EPA regulations designed to deal with water pollution from manure pollution on major farms. The court ruled Monday that the regulations , which took effect in February 2003 were not adequate to ensure that large farms would comply with requirements under the Clean Water Act to [...]