The US Supreme Court Monday heard arguments in the case Miller-El v. Dretke (03-9659), reconsidering whether a black defendant was unfairly convicted and sentenced by a jury that included only 1 black juror). The Supreme Court ruled 8-1 last year (Justice Thomas dissenting) that there was a strong suspicion of discrimination in the jury selection, [...]


Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell has certified the votes of the 2004 Presidential election. The official totals, including all absentee and provisional ballots are: Bush – 2,858,727Kerry – 2,739,952 This is a Bush victory of 118,775 votes, not close enough to trigger an automatic recount under Ohio law. The Democratic, Green and Libertarian parties [...]


President Bush has named Gerald Reynolds and Ashley Taylor to the US Commission on Civil Rights. Reynolds, formerly asssitant secretary of the office of civil rights in the Department of Education, is expected to replace Mary Frances Berry as chairman of the commission. Taylor, an attorney from Richmond Virginia, will replace Cruz Reynoso, although his [...]


Congressional negotiators have reached a deal with the chief Republican opponent of legislation which will revamp the country's intelligence agencies. The bill, which will go to a final vote, is meant to follow the recommendations of the 9/11 commission. President Bush has been pressing Congress for a swift resolution citing the importance of the bill [...]