Spanish prosecutors are seeking 74,000-year prison terms for each of the three suspects accused of using Spain as a staging ground for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. The prison terms correspond to all the charges, including 2,973 murders for those who died in the September 11 attacks. However, Spanish law limits [...]
US District Court Judge William D. Quarles Jr. has dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Baltimore Sun challenging on First Amendment grounds an order from Maryland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. which barred thousands of state employees from contact with two Sun journalists. Judge Quarles dismissed the case because the newspaper was seeking more access [...]
The California Republican Party has changed a party rule which allows the party to endorse Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger 16 months before the 2006 gubernatorial primary. Schwarzenegger, who still has not decided whether he will seek re-election, can now have the party pay for early expenses such as bulk mailing and voter registration drives. The change [...]
US District Judge Barbara Jones Monday suspended the fraud trial of former WorldCom chief Bernard Ebbers until Wednesday without explanation. The postponement comes just before the defense's cross-examination of the government's star witness, Scott Sullivan, the former finance chief at WorldCom. Sullivan implicated Ebbers in the company's $11 billion accounting fraud during his testimony. Specifically, [...]
DNA tests announced in a Sri Lanka court Monday confirmed that "Baby 81," a baby boy rescued from debris in the wake of the tsunami, does in fact belong to the couple who had launched a legal battle for his custody. The finding ended weeks of drama concerning the fate of the baby, who became [...]
Eleven al Qaeda suspects began their trial in Yemen on Monday, charged with trying to support insurgents battling against US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. The defendants were also charged with planning attacks in Yemen. The defendants admitted to forging passports, but denied all other charges. If convicted, they face an unspecified amount of jail [...]
President Bush on Monday urged Congress to re-authorize the USA Patriot Act, the widely-criticized legislation passed in the wake of September 11. "We must not allow the passage of time or the illusion of safety to weaken our resolve in this new war," said Bush while attending the formal swearing-in ceremony of new Attorney General [...]
Apple Computer and Sony will appear in a French court over claims that their respective music download sites, iTunes and Connect, are deceptive and force customers to buy other products which are tied together. The French consumer group Union Federale des Consommateurs–Que Choisir has initiated the lawsuits, and claims that Sony and Apple limit consumer [...]
Israeli Internal Security Minister Gideon Ezra has told the Jerusalem Post that he is in favor of placing certain radicals opposed to Prime Minister Sharon's plan to pull out of the Gaza Strip in administrative detention, i.e hold them without trial . Israel has so far only used this measure for Palestinian militants. Ezra cited [...]
Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm backed off her earlier support for displaying the Ten Commandments in the state Capitol, and said on Monday that she now believes such a display would be unconstitutional. On Friday, the governor had said she did not object to such a display. "I know that will make some people mad. But [...]