Thousands of hours of audio tapes and transcripts of conversations of Enron traders talking about, or engaging in, violations of federal regulations were released Tuesday by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission . FERC has indicated that it will likely use some of the materials pulled from the transcripts of the tapes in its criminal cases [...]


Attending an international one-day summit in London Tuesday, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas committed the Palestinian Authority to a range of legal and judicial reforms deemed necessary for the eventual creation of an independent Palestinian state. The reforms, set out in the final summit report , include: passing a new electoral law to ensure the fair [...]


Taiwanese Premier Frank Hsieh has warned that China's planned approval of an anti-secession law will strain relations between the two countries, destroying the goodwill recently developed by the opening of commercial flights between the two nations over the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday. The legislation would make it illegal for Taiwan to declare independence under [...]


US Ambassador to the UN in Geneva Jackie Sanders told the annual meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors Wednesday that the IAEA could no longer ignore its 'statutory obligations' and must refer the question of Iran's compliance with IAEA regulations over to the UN Security Council . Sanders said that the [...]


The Chinese government paper China Daily Wednesday reported that the number of Chinese couples seeking a divorce in 2004 rose to 1.6 million, a dramatic increase over previous years attributed to a 2003 law reform that dropped the requirement that would-be divorcees obtain the permission of their employer. The paper quoted a Chinese official who [...]


Judge Barwez Mohammed Mahmoud al-Merwani and his son, lawyer Aryan Barwez al-Merwani, both of whom were working with the Iraqi Special Tribunal were assassinated late Tuesday as they were exiting their Baghdad home. In the wake of contradictory wire reports that had initially misidentified the murdered judge as Raid Juhi al-Saadi, who had presided over [...]


Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Wednesday, March 2. The US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in two cases beginning at 10 AM ET today. In the first case, Van Orden v. Perry, 03-1500, the Court will consider whether the display of the Ten Commandments [...]