Lawfulness of detentions by the United States in Guantanamo Bay, Resolution 1433 (2005), Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, April 26, 2005 . Excerpt: On the basis of an extensive review of legal and factual material from these and other reliable sources, the Assembly concludes that the circumstances surrounding detentions by the USA at Guantanamo Bay [...]


President Bush Wednesday signed legislation giving legal protection to developers of technologies designed to enable viewers to "self-censor" portions of DVD movies that they deem inappropriate for viewing by others or themselves. S. 167, the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act creates an exemption from current copyright law that would have allowed film producers to sue [...]


A bill to legalize same-sex marriage in California has passed its first legislative test. The California Assembly Judiciary Committee approved it 6-3 Tuesday, clearing it to move on to another committee and, if again approved, from there to the Assembly floor. Opponents of the bill argue that it is clearly inconsistent with Proposition 22 , [...]


Nepalese police arrested former Nepalese Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba Wednesday in a middle-of-the-night raid on his residence after he had refused to appear as requested before a royal commission investigating government corruption. The arrest was made four days before the scheduled end of a national state of emergency declared by King Gyanendra on February [...]