A spokesman for new Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari's Dawa Party said Saturday that arrest warrants have been issued for two former cabinet ministers in former Interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi's government. Ex-Transport Minister Louei Hatim Sultan al-Aris and ex-Labor Minister Leila Abdul-Latif are both wanted on corruption charges; Abdul-Latif has also been cited for [...]


Taiwan's ruling Democratic Progressive Party has won the most seats in Saturday's election for a special assembly charged with considering proposed amendments to the island country's constitution, a delicate task in light of recent reunification and independence controversies with mainland China. One of the proposed changes would see future constitutional amendments approved by popular referendum [...]


A gathering of some 3000 Egyptian judges in Cairo Friday followed up threats first made in April and agreed by consensus to boycott the upcoming Egyptian national election unless the government gives them full and independent oversight responsibility. Judges are required by Egyptian law to supervise voting, but they have complained about executive rigging of [...]


Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Friday in a statement that after the Senate completes deliberations next week on a highway bill he will put forward the hitherto-blocked nominations of Judges Priscilla Owen and Janice Rogers Brown for seats on the federal appeals bench, forcing a showdown with Democrats. He also indicated that if all [...]


Nine more people were killed in spreading anti-US riots across Afghanistan Friday despite new US assurances that American authorities would not tolerate disrepect for the Koran at Guantanamo Bay or anywhere else and Pentagon insistence that the reported desecretion of the Muslim holy book never happened at the detention camp and that Afghan rioting earlier [...]