The New York Times reported Friday that documents for a transaction at the center of a wide-ranging probe into American International Group Inc. were doctored two months after the deal was made. The deal was reportedly "repapered" by mid-level employees of General Re , a unit of Berkshire Hathaway . Lawyers for Berkshire Hathaway discovered [...]


A new poll shows that sixty-one percent of Japanese voters support amending the country's US-drafted pacifist constitution but there is disagreement about how far Japan should move from its renunciation of war. Article 9 of the Japanese constitution renounces the right to keep a military or threaten military action. This is the second year in [...]


The two main parties in Mexico's Congress joined forces late Thursday to strip Mexico City's mayor Manuel Lopez Obrador of immunity so he can be charged with contempt of court, threatening his bid for the presidency in 2006 . The charges stem from a relatively minor land expropriation dispute and it is unclear if Lopez [...]


Justice John Gomery Thursday ordered a partial lifting of a publication ban prohibiting the dissemination of testimony provided on a sponsorship scandal that has created significant political problems for Canada's governing Liberal Party. Canadians had previously been barred from reporting any testimony to Gomery's judicial commission of inquiry by Quebec advertising executive Jean Brault so [...]