Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein will face trial in a reinforced metal cage, much like the one used for the character Hannibal Lecter in the 1991 film, the Silence of the Lambs, London's Sun reports in its Monday edition. The tabloid quoted an unidentified source who stated that Hussein will be kept in an underground [...]


A controversial bankruptcy bill first introduced in 1997 goes up for consideration again Monday in the US Senate . The bill aims to limit the ability of consumers to declare bankruptcy and have their debts nullified. Republican Senator Chuck Grassley , author of the legislation, asserts that instead of being used as a last resort, [...]


Saajid Badat, a British citizen, pleaded guilty in court in London Monday on charges of conspiring to place an explosive device on an aircraft in service. Prosecutors plea-bargained Badat in light of evidence indicating that he voluntarily withdrew from the plot after returning from his training. Badat, a 25 year old from Gloucester, received suicide [...]


Opposition parties, as well as election monitors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe , alleged Monday that fraud had tainted the weekend parliamentary elections held in Tajikistan . Tajikistan's largest opposition party, the Islamic Renaissance Party, has accused government agents of vote-rigging and false reporting. OSCE observers stated that they witnessed "direct [...]


Citizens in Burundi voted Monday for the first time in 12 years on a constitutional referendum. The proposed constitution is designed to create an ethnically balanced government for the nation that has been suffering from an intense civil war ever since President Melchior Ndaday, Burundi's first democratically elected president, was assassinated by Tutsi rebels following [...]


Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Monday, Feb. 28. The US Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments in two cases beginning at 10 AM ET today. In Spector v. Norwegian Cruise Line Ltd. , 03-1388, the Court will decide whether Title III of the [...]


A new World Health Organization-sponsored treaty aimed at preventing children from smoking and helping adults quit goes into effect Sunday , but its impact on the US remains to be seen. The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control gives members three years to require strong health warnings on tobacco products and five years to ban advertising, [...]