The UK government has informed at least two of the four British men recently released from Guantanamo Bay that they cannot obtain passports. An attorney for Martin Mubanga and Feroz Abbasi said that both had received a letter from the government informing them that they would not be issue passports due to evidence against them [...]


Australian Prime Minister John Howard has refused to respond to charges by a former intelligence officer that the Australian government knew of abuses by coalition troops in Iraq, despite claims to the contrary. Rod Barton, formerly an officer with the Defense Intelligence Organization , said he saw evidence of abuse during his tenure and he [...]


International Committee of the Red Cross president Jakob Kellenberger met with President Bush Monday to discuss ICRC concerns about detainees at Guantanamo Bay . The Red Cross regularly visits the detainees and, according to a leaked memo, has accused the US of using tactics "tantamount to torture" on terror suspects. The Pentagon has denied the [...]