US Army Sgt. Javal S. Davis will plead guilty to reduced charges next week after reaching a deal with prosecutors, Davis' attorney Paul Bergrin said Thursday. Davis had been charged with maltreatment of detainees and other charges in the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal, but he will instead plead guilty to simple assault and making [...]


Reuters is reporting that Riggs Bank has pleaded guilty to money laundering charges and agreed to pay $16 million. The charges stem from the bank's handling of finances for diplomats and foreign officials, including former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. The plea could jeopardize a takeover deal with PNC Financial Services Group . Riggs was implicated [...]


In Thursday's environmental law news, Tyson Foods has settled a lawsuit brought by the Sierra Club and three Kentuckians over the air pollution from 80 chicken houses. The company agreed Wednesday to fund a study of the emissions from chicken houses and paid the individuals undisclosed amounts. Tyson had taken the position that environemental liability [...]


Israel has preliminarily agreed to release around 900 Palestinian prisoners in the near future, a senior Palestinian officer said Thursday. Palestinian authorities reportedly requested the release of 5000 prisoners, but the two sides agreed on the lesser total. Nearly 8000 Palestinians are currently held in Israeli prisons and their release has been a major demand [...]


Palestinian prime minister Ahmed Qureia ordered a ban on civilians carrying weapons in Palestinian territories on Thursday, showing a desire for less violence in the wake of the Palestinian Authority's proposal to Israel of a mutual cease-fire. The order was signed during a security meeting among senior officials amid a busy day of meetings on [...]