Itar-Tass is reporting that the Kyrgyz Supreme Court has invalidated disputed parliamentary elections. Kyrgyzstan President Askar Akayev had been flown to Russia and his family had been taken to Kazakhstan just hours after protestors, demanding Akayev's resignation after allegations of fraud, stormed the presidential compound. Court chairman Kurmanbek Osmonov is quoted as saying that the [...]


Hong Kong democratic legislator Albert Chan announced Thursday that he will head a legal challenge against the government's plan to shorten the term of the territory's next chief executive from five years to two. In the wake of the March 10 resignation of chief executive Tung Chee-hwa , the Beijing-backed Hong Kong government says that [...]


Former Macedonian interior minister Ljube Boskovski surrendered to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague Thursday after being charged with war crimes committed against ethnic Albanians. Boskovski, who had been in prison for charges relating to the murder of seven immigrants while he was the interior minister in 2002, was [...]


The United Nations has admitted it erred Tuesday when it said the reason it would pay the legal fees of the Iraq oil-for-food program chief Benon Sevan was because of the importance an independent investigatory body placed on his cooperation in the investigation of the program. The UN corrected its error after former Federal Reserve [...]


A trial court judge in Ohio ruled Wednesday that the state's new constitutional amendment banning gay marriage prevents domestic violence charges from being filed against unmarried people. Ohio's domestic violence law was not limited to married people. The public defender of the accused, however, argued Ohio's constitution prohibits any state or local law which "creates [...]


The British government persisted Thursday in refusing to disclose the full legal advice it received from Attorney General Lord Goldsmith on the Iraq war despite disclosure of a previously blanked-out text in the 2003 resignation letter of a Foreign Office legal advisor that said he had changed his mind over the legality of the conflict. [...]


Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Thursday, March 24. The US Senate and US House are in recess until April 4. American University Washington College of Law will hold a forum on the Geneva Conventions today. Sessions will run from 9 AM to 6 PM ET. [...]