Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano Friday vetoed a series of bills that would have prohibited illegal immigrants from receiving child care assistance, instate tuition benefits and given the state police power to enforce federal immigration laws. Supporters of the tuition bill, including sponsor Tom Boone , contend it is wrong to let immigrant students take advantage [...]


US District Court Judge Martin Jenkins ruled Friday that there was not enough evidence to sustain many of the counts against former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko . In a complex trial that ended nearly one year ago, Lazarenko was convicted on 29 counts of extortion and laundering money through California banks. Fifteen of the [...]


Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announced Friday, while acknowledging National Missing Children's Day , that a new federal website would provide state-by-state information on known sex offenders within two months. The website, with voluntary participation by states, will allow someone to do a national search online to determine if a convicted sex criminal has moved from [...]


Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich vetoed a bill Friday that would have allowed rights for gay partners who registered with the state, denouncing it as a threat to traditional marriage. Among the rights the bill would have granted to gay partners were the right to be treated as immediate family in a hospital setting, power to [...]