US District Judge Henry Kennedy issued a preliminary injunction Tuesday ordering the military to give detainees' lawyers 30 days' notice before transferring a detainee from Guantanamo Bay to the custody of foreign governments, allowing time for the transfer to be challenged. After considering whether US courts have jurisdiction to oversee decisions about where to move [...]


The Defense Department said Tuesday that Combatant Status Review Tribunals for all Guantanamo Bay detainees have been completed. Navy Secretary Gordon England , who has overseen the CSRT process, announced that 38 of 558 detainees were determined not to be "enemy combatants" and were ordered released from the Cuban naval base without compensation. Gordon used [...]


Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Wednesday, March 30. The US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in one case today, beginning at 10 AM ET. In Wilkinson v. Austin , 04-495, the Court will consider what procedures are needed to protect a prisoner's due process [...]


Attorney Johnnie Cochran died Tuesday at the age of 67 from a brain tumor. Cochran was known for his colorful personality, as well as for his skill as a courtroom orator. Cochran was best known for successfully defending O.J. Simpson against double murder charges. During his career, he also represented football great Jim Brown, actor [...]


City of Sherrill, New York v. Oneida Nation of New York, Supreme Court of the United States, Justice Ginsburg, March 29, 2005 . Excerpt: In sum, the question of damages for the Tribe's ancient dispossession is not at issue in this case, and we therefore do not disturb our holding in Oneida II. However, the [...]


Jackson v. Birmingham Bd. of Ed., Supreme Court of the United States, Justice O'Connor, March 29, 2005 . Excerpt: The regulations implementing Title IX clearly prohibit retaliation and have been on the books for nearly 30 years. More importantly, the Courts of Appeals that had considered the question at the time of the conduct at [...]


Peter Henning, Wayne State University Law School: "With all the turmoil swirling around American International Group Inc., I wonder whether the company will become the new poster-child for corporate misconduct. An insurance company is built on trust, that the money given to them today (the float, as Warren Buffett discusses ad nauseam in his letters [...]


Julian Ku, Hofstra University School of Law: "Having failed to motivate myself to get down to D.C. for oral argument in Medellin, and being too cheap to shell out the money for an instant transcript, I will have to content myself with reviewing the several very interesting press accounts of the argument at SCOTUSBlog, Slate, [...]