In Monday's environmental law news, the California legislature is considering revisions to the 35-year-old California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The revisions are prompted by increased housing costs in the rapidly growing state. The CEQA requires a variety of environmental reviews of new development projects. Governor Schwarzenegger is pushing for trimming some environmental reviews that slow [...]


The Florida Attorney General's office has filed its first lawsuit under the state's new anti-spam law . Civil suits seeking up to $24 million in fines were filed Monday against Scott Filary, 25, and Donald Townsend, 34, who are accused of masterminding a spam operation which sent over 65,000 deceptive e-mails. Under the state law, [...]


Leading Monday's corporations and securities law news, Fannie Mae regulator the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) , has announced it is investigating Fannie's use of trusts which it set up to sell securities. Specifically, OFHEO is determining whether the company accounted for trusts as "qualifying special purpose entities" to keep the trusts' assets [...]


Key portions of the USA PATRIOT Act which will expire at the end of this year are set to come up for review this week before the House Judiciary Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee . The Patriot Act, which gave the executive power sweeping law enforcement and investigatory authority, has been controversial since its [...]


Sudan over the weekend formally rejected UN Security Council Resolution 1593 authorizing the International Criminal Court to conduct investigations and prosecutions of individuals alleged to have committed war crimes in the Darfur region of Sudan. Sudan had previously expressed its displeasure with the resolution, claiming that it could conduct valid war crimes trials in-country. On [...]


Former Serbian police general Sreten Lukic was delivered Monday to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague. It is as yet unclear whether he surrendered, or was arrested and forcibly transferred. Eyewitnesses reported seeing Lukic approached by government officials Monday after a medical check-up. Lukic has chronic heart problems and underwent [...]