China Tuesday publicly accused Ching Cheong, chief China correspondent for Singapore's Straits Times newspaper , of spying for "foreign agencies". According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry , "Ching admitted that in recent years he engaged in intelligence-gathering activities on the mainland on instructions from foreign intelligence agencies and accepted huge amounts of spying fees." Ching [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Dr. Laurent Pech, Jean Monnet Lecturer in European Union Law at the National University of Ireland, Galway, and a native of Aix-en-Provence who returned to France to vote in its referendum on the European Constitution, says that French rejection of the charter was based on several legal and political factors, and presents [...]


Lebanese President Emile Lahoud criticized Lebanon's current electoral law Monday, saying that voter turnout of less than 27% in the first stage of parliamentary elections over the weekend was a clear demonstration of the Lebanese people were unhappy with existing electoral system. The present law allows local and national political figures to form alliances ahead [...]