A Spanish High Court judge ruled Thurday that there was adequate evidence to bring Arnaldo Otegi and a fellow member of the Batasuna party to trial after prosecuters alleged that the two men were ETA leaders. The charges, brought just days after Otegi was released on bail , may have the effect of bringing the [...]


A controversial French law passed last spring that banned conspicuous religious symbols such as headscarves and veils from public schools has improved the integration of students, French officials say. French Muslim groups have nonetheless urged the government to reconsider the law , and a number of students have been expelled for refusing to comply . [...]


A chance encounter in 1970 started the friendship that ultimately created "Deep Throat", Watergate Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward wrote in a WashPost article Thursday. On Tuesday, former FBI deputy director W. Mark Felt was confirmed as the source that helped Woodward and colleague Carl Bernstein break open the Watergate scandal and eventually force the [...]


US military forces in Afghanistan have released 53 prisoners after declaring that they were no longer considered threats. The release, made Tuesday, came just a few days after Afghan President Hamid Karzai called for Afghan custody of Afghan prisoners held by US forces amid reports of US abuses of Afghan detainees . The prisoners, all [...]


Amnesty International Secretary-General Irene Khan said Thursday that the US could settle disagreements about alleged abuses of prisoners at its Guantanamo Bay detention camp and other facilities by opening them to inspections by human rights investigators. AI criticized Guantanamo in a report released earlier this month, calling it the "gulag of our time." On Wednesday, [...]