The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia warned former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic Thursday that he must speed up his attempt to call world leaders, including former President Bill Clinton, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, to testify at his war crimes trial. Milosevic has indicated that he would like [...]


US District Judge Edward R. Korman Wednesday approved a $21.9 million award to heirs of families whose bank holdings were allegedly concealed and stolen by Swiss banks looking to gain favor with invading Nazis. Holocaust survivors and their families had sued several Swiss banks and accused them of stealing, concealing or sending hundreds of millions [...]


AP is reporting that a Texas businessman and citizens of Bulgaria and Britain have been indicted in connection with the United Nations Oil-for-Food Program scandal according to US Attorney David N. Kelley . Kelley has scheduled a late-morning news conference to announce the unsealing of the indictment, which includes two companies operated by the Texan. [...]


House Majority Leader Tom DeLay apologized Wednesday for saying federal judges are "responsible" for the death of Terri Schiavo and reiterated his belief in the importance of an independent judiciary. DeLay has nonetheless asked the House Judiciary Committee to investigate the judges who declined to order Schiavo's feeding tube be reinserted for and indicated the [...]


The UN Human Rights Commission passed a resolution Thursday condemning Israel's settlements on Palestinian territories by 39-2, with 12 abstentions. The resolution called for the Israeli government to reverse the policy and to take measures meant to guarentee the safety of Palestinian civilians. The group is later expected to vote on resolutions condemning abuses in [...]