President Lucio Gutierrez of Ecuador declared a state of emergency in the capital Quito late Friday and dissolved the Ecuador Supreme Court . The drastic measures announced in a surprise national television address came after three days of protests in the streets of Quito, which Gutierrez blames on unpopular Supreme Court judges. Rather than quell [...]


Still at Risk: Diplomatic Assurances No Safeguard against Torture, Human Rights Watch , April 15, 2005 . Excerpt: There is substantial evidence that in the course of the global "war on terrorism," an increasing number of governments have transferred, or proposed sending, alleged terrorist suspects to countries where they know the suspects will be at [...]


Julian Ku, Hofstra University School of Law: "David Brooks defends Bolton's nomination today on very straightforward grounds: Bolton is opposed to creeping global governance in the form of the ICC and a strong U.N. Here's an excerpt: They know we're not close to a global version of the European superstate. So they are content to [...]


Egyptian judges have threatened not to supervise presidential and parliamentary elections due later this year unless the government amends laws which limit judicial power and prevent the convening of free and fair elections. The judges say that close relations between the executive and the judiciary undermine their independence and ability to properly monitor elections and [...]