Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Thursday, April 21. The US Senate convenes at 9:30 AM ET today. It will begin an executive session at 10:30 AM ET to consider the nomination of John Negroponte as National Intelligence Director, and then resume consideration of H.R. 1268 [...]


The Italian Supreme Court Wednesday confirmed a lower court ruling to keep tube-feeding Eluana Englaro, in a vegetative state since a 1992 car accident. The appeal was brought by Englaro's father, who believes that she would have preferred to die. The court rejected the argument because there was no specific evidence on Englaro's views of [...]


The Connecticut Senate Wednesday voted 26-8 to approve legislation that would allow civil unions for same-sex couples but specifically defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman. The Connecticut House has already approved the bill and the measure will now go to Governor M. Jodi Rell for her signature. Rell has said [...]


The Council on American-Islamic Relations , the New York Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against the Department of Homeland Security , saying DHS unlawfully detained, interrogated, fingerprinted and photographed a group of Muslim-American citizens who were returning from the 2004 Reviving the Islamic Spirit Conference in [...]


In a special session Wednesday, the Ecuadorian Congress voted 62-0 (there are 100 congressional seats) to remove President Lucio Gutierrez from office under a constitutional provision that allows congress to remove a president when there has been "abandonment of the position." Wednesday's vote avoids a lengthy impeachment process and under the constitution, Vice President Alfredo [...]